You Need An Automotive Incentives Specialist
You Can’t Afford Not To!
Your bottom-line depends on it.
There is no other experienced, qualified, or comprehensive Incentives Specialist around. In the fast-paced world of automotive retailing, OEM programs and incentives are constantly changing and being revised to meet the needs of the market. It requires that dealers ensure attention to program details, experienced staff, continuous training, and solid processes.
An Automotive Incentives Specialist Can:
- Provide expertise in all aspect of Incentives
- Conduct In-house Audits and Compliance Reviews
- Help you prepare for a Manufacturer’s Sales Audit
- Reconcile your Factory Receivable Schedules of over-age balances
- Get unpaid Incentives PAID; resolve rejects/chargebacks that your staff can’t
- Find employee errors that cost your dealership dollar$
- Conduct Training sessions with Staff (Sales and Business Office)
Be an independent resource with no allegiance to the Manufacturers
It can all add THOUSANDS OF DOLLAR$ to your BOTTOM-LINE!
Why not give your dealership a “Physical Exam” to ensure that you are in compliance with Incentive policies & guidelines. The results will surprise you; then the corrections, implemented controls, and training will give you PEACE OF MIND.